Vandal smashes home window and damages car of Union Bay blog author

Vandal smashes home window and damages car of Union Bay blog author

There’s bizarre drama unfolding in Union Bay, where a woman living there says her blog is sparking major debate and now violence.

It was just before 3:30 a.m. Sunday when Mary Reynolds, who lives in Union Bay, awoke from her sleep.

“I just heard breaking glass, and I jumped up, and I could see the window was broken, and I looked out, and I could see somebody on a bike going down the street there, but it was just a dark figure,” said Reynolds.

Once it was light, Reynolds discovered that the vandal had also smashed the windshield of her car, damaged and left three tires flat, scratched the side of her car, and stole a surveillance camera that would’ve captured what happened.

Watch the report below:

Reynolds also found a metal object that had been thrown through the front window of her home.

The 74-year-old reported it to Comox Valley RCMP, who confirmed they’re now investigating.

She admits she’s feeling shaken.

“Yeah, a little, but again, I’m not going to stop. I’m going to keep doing what I do,” said Reynolds.

She uses her blog, ‘All Things Union Bay,’ to spotlight what’s happening in her community.

She’s behind a drone that takes video nearly daily of what’s happening at Deep Water Recovery, the controversial company that’s been breaking up ships for recycling.

The videos have shown runoff from the property draining into Baynes Sound. The company recently stated it believes higher concentrations of zinc, copper and lead in water sampling near the site are from the site’s industrial past.

She’s also been critical of a development proposal for a 340-hectare property over its wastewater plans.

“It’s connected with one of them. This is the tactics they use if they don’t like what you’re saying or exposing. They can never come at me with any facts,” said Reynolds.

In a statement, Deep Water Recovery’s owner says, “Mary Reynolds is a person that has caused a lot of trouble for a lot of people. It’s not surprising.”

The statement goes on to say Reynolds “has made a career out of causing tremendous trouble for decent hardworking people…” and “…unless it was a random act of vandalism, people are obviously getting fed up with her.”

Reynolds is suing the company, alleging Jurisich stole her drone in June 2022 and returned it damaged. The company is countersuing, alleging the drone breaches its right to privacy.

Reynolds’s home was damaged once before in 2017, when a vehicle rammed her house, and someone cracked the front window with a rock. That was before Deep Water Recovery arrived and her blog’s attention was then directed at the housing development.

Kendall HansonKendall Hanson

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