Saanich police warn of cougar sightings after officer comes ‘face-to-face’ with cat

Saanich police warn of cougar sightings after officer comes ‘face-to-face’ with cat

Saanich police are notifying the public of several cougar sightings in the Gordon Head and Mount Tolmie areas.

A cougar was twice spotted at Mount Tolmie Park, once on Monday and once on Wednesday.

Police say officers searched the park but were unable to locate the cougar at the time.

The sightings occurred around 5 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., and officers warned several park-goers and dog walkers of the sighting.

Close encounter

On Aug. 30, Saanich police say officers were on an unrelated call when an officer came “face-to-face with a cougar.”

Police were in the Gordon Head North Park area around 2 a.m. when they encountered the cougar.

The animal eventually turned and walked away from the officer and was last seen heading down a trail towards the water.

Police say the cougar was not acting aggressively in any of the reported sightings.

RELATED: Saanich family upset after no information released on cougar dog attack

The BC Conservation Officers Service is aware of the cougar sightings and is monitoring the area, according to police.

“In conjunction with the COS, police are asking the public to be aware, and to take precautions such as leashing their pets and travelling in groups when possible,” said Saanich police in a release Thursday.

Anyone who spots a cougar can contact the conservation service line at the COS Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) hotline at 1-877-952-7277, or with Saanich police at 250-475-4321.

Adam ChanAdam Chan

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